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Music no image

Published on April 25th, 2010 | by ekilko


Choose your music!

Two opportunities have come up in the last week to make upcoming gigs more interactive!

MCD have announced that you can have a chance to choose songs that Muse will play at the Oxegen Festival this year.

The band will endeavour to play at least one from the top 5 songs at Oxegen!

Fans can vote once and choose the three songs they most want to hear the band play at Oxegen…

Click here to vote.

However if choosing just a few songs isn’t enough then how about choosing who plays the gig.

Irish band CODES. are looking for a band to support them playing their Academy show on June 26th.

this is what the lads have to say:

{Hey all,we’ve been getting a lot of requests from young artists asking to open the show for us in The Academy 2 on Jun 26th


We figure the fairest way to choose who is to let you decide!

So, if you’d like to open for us at this show,drop us a mail at [email protected] with your MySpace link.

We‘ll set up a poll and then you guys can vote …for your favourite!{Hopefully you’ll get some new listeners to your sites through it too!}

Deadline for entries is May 8th !

Good luck

You can find more information at www.codes.ie

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About the Author

Eoin is usually back stage at most gigs and shows. Sometimes because hes working on them and sometimes because they wont let him in. Eoin works in the Music and Theatre industry but comedy and musicals are his real passion.

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