Splitting Hairs With Daragh From CODES.
Culch.ie is a long time fan of CODES. This last year has been incredible for the band as they’ve seen their album gain critical acclaim, played some awesome gigs and have released some excellent anthemic singles. We chatted with lead singer Daragh last October and talked about the music and gigging. Six months later, we chat to him about……other things. Please welcome our newest Culchie, Rú from Talk to Strangers, chatting with Daragh Anderson, in the first of a series of interviews with bands and artists.
- Darren
Codes’ singer talks to strangers about the rules of Goldeneye, how to assassinate Posh Spice, Harry Potter, the unknowing benefits of Volcanic ash and gooseberry marmalade…
Hello Daragh from Codes! How the devil are you? Splendid thanks.
Do you know much about Cryptography? A little, we dabble in the dark arts…
Do you get this Harry Potter obsession at all? I like that Jonny and Phil of “The Radioheads” are in the fifth installment of the popular movie franchise along with popular outsider musician “Jarvis Cocker” – that made me smile…
You’ve got a gig coming up in the Academy and you’re auditioning away the support slot. Can you talk a bit about why you decided to go about finding an act this way? This show was actually something that some of our younger fans had been asking us to do for quite a while now, and it’s rare that a show is organized where through some means or other, the support band isn’t already pre-chosen by someone else other than us, so when we announced it, and we got a load of requests for support by younger artists and we could actually entertain the idea properly, we figured the most transparent way to decide would be a vote by the fans who wanted the show in the first place.
How would you react if you found out your plane was crashing? That’s rather scary, I had a dream last night that I was on a plane plummeting from the sky. I think I’d try to wake myself up. It worked last night !
Your plane has crashed on a desert island, do you try to repair it, try and make a boat, make friends with a ball or just bollock about through time for 7 years for no real reason and to no end? Depends on whether or not you’re a candidate. Surely Jacob could show us the way. He has a plan for all of us.
That’s what I’m afraid of. Favourite video game? For fun factor it’s got to be between Goldeneye on the N64, a classic, or Mariokart Wii, not having much time for massively involving gameplay and it is fun trying to play Wii in a tour van.
Really? Who was your Goldeneye character? Boris, I loved his Hawaiian shirt. And nobody was allowed to pick Oddjob because he was so short you had to adjust your aim when he got up close !
Boris was really skinny too though. It was like trying to kill Posh Spice. I’m sure I could take out Posh Spice with some proximity mines.
Who’s going to win the Premier League? I’m a longtime Manchester United supporter so my heart wants Liverpool to do us a favor this weekend. I feel wrong even thinking that. If not it’s Chelsea’s this year.
Do you think Capello was right to strip Terry of the captaincy? Yep, but mainly because I don’t care about what John Terry does off a football pitch. If he was still captain he would have had to do press conferences for the World Cup and we’d have never heard the end of it. Capello did the right thing because he was protecting him, and us, from an off topic borefest.
Any plans for a second album yet? This one’s not even out a year, so hopefully by the end of this year we’ll have it released in the UK and Europe which means a lot more touring. We are writing a lot though, so we’ll be ready when the time comes to go back to the studio.
Crunchie or Moro? Ooh, Moro.
Who’s the best band in Ireland right now? (long pause) Adebisi Shank. That’s tough though, there are a lot of great bands on our shores at the moment, mainly because they’ve been stranded by the Volcano.
The DJ equipment breaks down and the DJ recognizes you in the crowd as THAT guy from THAT band! He asks you to sing a song while he fixes the equipment. What do you play? I’d read out the list of ingredients on the side of a jar of gooseberry marmalade.
Melodically? Yes to the tune of Black Beauty.
What’s been the best thing about being in CODES? Em, being in a band with your best mates, making whatever noises spring to mind.
Any moment in particular? Oxegen last year was pretty incredible, or selling out the Academy twice. Both quite overwhelming moments to walk onstage to…
I actually have a videotape of you in your previous band. Are you terrified now? Nope, we all have to start somewhere, it’s important to draw lines in the sand.
Are you hungry? Starving actually.
Finally, what are you going to do the second this interview is over? Make myself some salad and go meet Paul, Ray and Eoin
Daragh from Codes, thank you very much! Thank you, it’s been scintillating!
If you’re around:
Codes play The Academy on June 26th.