Recently while at the bookshop of the National Theatre in London I noticed this bookshop display. It claimed to be the Best Plays of the Decade. Given that its 2010, it did get me thinking of what the best plays since the millennium were.
Included on their list were
The Seafarer
The Pride
Our Crisis
Taking Care of Baby
August On Stage Country
Obviously these are taken from a UK point of view but I really agree with The Seafarer (National’s Production at least) and Pornogrphy. I would also include Freefall ( Best Irish show of last year imo) The Pillowman, Improbable Frequency, The Wallworth Farce and Seawall.
So what do you think? What have you seen that has blown you away?
From an Irish perspective I really loved both The Pride of Parnell Street and Little Gem, definitely up there!
Would agree with Sinead about Pride of Parnell Street - I thought that was great. Any thing by Christian O’Reilly and a piece of theatre that has stuck with me was Ivana Muller’s While we were holding it together. Oh and Michael Hardings The Tinkers Curse…powerful stuff