Ever wanted to hear Gandalf sing the Fresh Prince theme?

Well now you can! Random trawling of the internet has uncovered this exotic gem, of a young man with an uncanny ability to mimic Sir Ian McKellan reciting the lyrics to the theme of Will Smith’s infamous TV series The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. This is simply beyond hyperbole.

He does get a few of the lines wrong, but I forgive him.

About Niall

The proverbial man lost in La Mancha. Sports aficionado and all-round scoundrel. Über-geek to boot. I run the movie website Scannain.com and can usually be found twittering away as @niallxmurphy.

4 Responses to Ever wanted to hear Gandalf sing the Fresh Prince theme?

  1. froodie says:

    Beyond awesome. Is it wrong of me to adore his Duck Tales also?

  2. Peter Balfe says:

    Possibly the best video. Ever.

  3. Emlyn says:

    lol - class

    And for all you movie buffs, Ian McKellen was in Will Smith’s film debut (Six Degrees Of Separation) ;)