Jarlath O’Regan’s comedy showcase returns to Slattery’s of Rathmines on Tuesday May 25th at 8pm it’s the first show of the new season and the stellar line-up as always is a secret.
The show was set up in 2007 to show case some of Irelands top comics. On just before the Edinburgh fringe, this show gives the comics a chance to try out their new jokes on the unsuspecting public before they head over to Scotland. For the first time this show has an admission fee of only a €5 which isn’t too bad, considering. There’s usually a raffle in the interval but this is due mainly to the fact that the shows creator and M.C. Jarlaith O’Regan needs to get rid of crap stuff around his house!
“For the past 3 years the show has given people like David O’Doherty, Ardal O’Hanlon, Barry Murphy, Karl Spain and Dead Cat Bounce a chance to road-test bits of material they are too anxious to try out anywhere else, and people like you the chance to see freshly born jokes in a comedy club environment void of nincompoops.”
I’ve gone to a few of these and your guarateed a good laugh of a Tuesday night! I know Gray’s Anatomy is on but sure you can probably catch that on Living during the week. And if like the last show a few pricks actually show up ( Jarlaith had to point to the ‘No Pricks’ sign even!) you get to be involved in mob rule and kick them out, and sure who doesn’t like mob rule. Seriously all they ask of you, is that you don’t act the prick in there and everyone then is on the same funny page.
I highly recommend this and here is the facebook page for all the details.