Up in the Air DVD Review

It’s almost a role that George Clooney was born to play. In Up in the Air, Ryan Bingham is a corporate downsizer, a man whose job it is to break the life changing news to people across America that their “positions are no longer available”. Although the story that this script is adapted from was written a few years ago, the current economic environment has lent a new weight to it. Bingham’s home is in the air, chasing a target of air miles that only six other people have ever achieved. He packs like a ninja and is turned on by platinum cards. It’s that particular encounter in which we are introduced to Alex (Vera Farmiga) who is almost a carbon copy of Bingham, at one point uttering the words “Just think of me as you but with a vagina”. Bingham finds himself developing feelings for her and relationships are … There’s more

Red Dead Redemption: A Review

‘Red Dead Redemption’(RDR) is the latest title from Rockstar San Diego. With a development house that has such a fine history of open world games (Such as Grand Theft Auto & Bully), fans shared a unanimous anticipation for ‘Red Dead Redemption’ when it was announced. Information gradually trickled out over it’s time of development and with every new unveiling the game sounded more promising. We were promised a fully realised western sandbox, refined combat mechanics and a groundbreaking multiplayer mode. The game has just hit shelves, did Rockstar hit the mark?? There’s more

Guest Post: 3 Irish Celebrites Who Impacted Global Popculture and Why

This is an interesting guest post from Rudolf giving his thoughts on pop culture and on the influence of three ‘celebs’ of Irish heritage on global pop culture. Let’s hear your thoughts. - Darren When you think of Popular Culture, chances are you think more of teen idols Miley Cyrus and Robert Pattinson than of more prominent figures, such as JFK or Paul McCartney. This, however, is a result of the “dumbing down” of a term that is anything but dumb to begin with. On the contrary, the term Popular Culture—or Pop Culture—refers to a totality of ideas, perspectives, images, and political and social attitudes of the 20th and 21st centuries, as derived from art, music, film, consumer media, politics and even religion. Popular Culture, therefore, encompasses much more than passing fads or elitist trends, having more to do with the people who set them than the actual trends themselves. … There’s more

The International Comedy Cellar Wednesdays

Last night I went along to The Comedy Cellar - in The International Bar in Dublin. I really wanted to see Carmody and Jones. I shall rephrase…. they were the only act I knew that were on. Because they told me so. It’s hosted by Andrew Stanley who is a legend all by himself and can pack out an entire Vicar Street in the morning. Throw in to the line up Neil Delamere and Keith Farnan and charge me €10. This is like paying a fiver to see Barcelona play Limerick FC. It’s for nothing! Its every Wednesday and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Interview With Fin Costello

Robert Plant. Siouxsie Sioux. Pete Townsend. Steven Tyler. Freddie Mercury. Outside of their all being great big pop culture monsters and everything that goes with it, there is something else they have in common - they’ve all been snapped by our very own Fin Costello. As he prepares for his forthcoming Cork exhibition, Culch.ie wrangles the chat out of the legendary photographer. Discovering a legend on your doorstep is an experience akin to putting on a new pair of sunglasses and being mistaken for Monica Bellucci - disorienting, then humbling, then rather bloody thrilling. When a mutual friend requested I check out Fin Costello’s work, I was immediately taken aback by how familiar his subjects were - isn’t that Peter Gabriel? Dear Jesus, that’s Rory Gallagher - which threw me into the proverbial state a’ chassis. How was I so unfamiliar with someone whose work was so recognisable? The more … There’s more