Via a tweet and a blog post from Eolaí last night, I found out about the next People’s Art Exhibition for 2010. The exhibition takes place from today, 25th June to Sunday 27th June on St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin 2. Artists from all over Dublin will gather to display their work on the railings of the city centre park.
From their website:
People’s Art Dublin is a voluntary, part time, non profit making group, brought together by Dublin City Council to promote the visual arts to the public of Dublin. Each year after expenses are paid, donations are made to various charities.
If you are in Dublin city, why not take a look at the art, chat to a few of the artists and above all - bring Eolaí a cupán tae at pitch 83, he’ll be parched
Should you miss it this weekend, there will be two more weekends of outdoor art exhibition in August (20th-22nd) and in September (24th-26th).
Cool. Always love checking this out
There should be some interesting stuff alright
Thanks very much - I didn’t notice this post while all caught up in dealing with the event.
And what an event - I was told that 800 artists had applied for 600 spots. There’s a really lovely atmosphere there.
You’re welcome I’ll have to catch the next one in August now.