Carlsberg Comedy Carnival 2010


Last night the carlsberg comedy carnival opened. 5,000 % happier than sitting in and watching the 9 0 clock news on RTE this is my must go see gig of the year. I was there last year. And this year was gonna be no different.

Not so many interviews were possible for me this year as my weekend has many trees to be hugged but, I did manage to catch up with comic genius and good friend Eric Lalor who had just played to a packed house and plays again on Saturday.

I went there to see David O Doherty play and MC for the legends that are Chris Addison and Reggie Watts. This is what I like about this festival. I know O’Doherty and his work and I’ve seen Addison live on tv. But I’d not seen Reggie and - he was legendary. Different. Really different. O’Doherty is different - full stop and Addison just went off on one about a pirate working as a childcare worker. It was that kind of a show.


Without giving away anyones act…. they are there all weekend…. The reality is if I had my choice, of one gig a day - the list would be as follows:

  • Friday - The Apres Match boys with Chris Addison and Rufus Hound
  • Saturday - Eric Lalor with Colum Mc Donnell and Chris Kent
  • Sunday - Andrew Maxwell, Reggie Watts and Andrew Stanley

Go there. Laugh. Smile. Cry laughing. Sit right up the front so you get picked on. Shout out NAMA and see how long it takes anyone of the legendary comics to microwave any shred of dignity you ever thought you posessed. 10/10.


About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or

One Response to Carlsberg Comedy Carnival 2010

  1. Muller says:

    Really enjoyed the Addison/Hound/Apres Match gig you suggested, although sadly too many Apres Match groupies there who were never going to laugh much at anything that wasn’t Apres Match. Shame, as Addison was superb, and Rufus was a great MC.