A to Z of the Carlsberg Comedy Carnival

Carlsberg’s Comedy Carnival at the Iveagh Gardens drew to a close last night after four days of sunshine and laughter and we (myself and Eoin (Pluincee)) put together an A to Z of the festival as a reminder for those who were there and a taste of what you missed to encourage you to go next year if you missed out.

With thanks to Andrew Stanley, Eric Lalor, PJ Gallagher and Kevin Gildea for posing for us, here’s our snapshot of the festival (the cringey rhyme is mine and the pretty photos are his).

A is for Andrew, who does the Mish Mash

Andrew Stanley

B for free Badges, we picked up a stash

C is for Carlsberg who sponsor the show

D is for Drinks, there were cocktails you know

E is for Eric, young, gifted and green

Eric Lalor

F for First Aid, first on the scene

G is for Gallagher, the Dirty Auld One

PJ Gallagher

H for Hand Wash, get yourself some

I for Iveagh Gardens where it all took place

J for July and its best four days

K is for Kevin, who liked Eoin’s ‘Pillow Hair’*

Kevin Gildea

L for the Lions, just why were they there?

M is for Music, they had a live band

N for Nibbles, there were plenty on hand

O for Open Air, balloons and twilight

P for Polar Bears, giant and white

Q is for Queuing, it’s gotta be done

R for Random, like clowns on the run…

S is for Stars, of stage and of sky

T is for Toilets, two words: one ply!

U for Umbrella, just in case

V for Veiled Ladies in satin and lace

W for Waterfall, pretty to see

X marked the spot where we used to be

Y for Yummy, there was lots of that here

Zzzzzz for sleep, but we’ll be back next year

*Kevin Gildea decided during a routine that Eoin’s hair, on display in Z above, should be cultivated and sold as Eoin Pillows for people to sleep on. It might sound silly now, but let’s see how long the recession lasts….

About Sinead Keogh

Sinéad edits books for her real job. She has never met a punctuation mark she didn't like. She likes cheese (both kinds). She is a lip-biter and a knuckle cracker. She has made a list of 50 things to do before she dies - you're not on it. In particular, she looks after movies, comedy gigs and the Event of the Week series for Culch. You can email her if you want, she loves attention. [email protected]

2 Responses to A to Z of the Carlsberg Comedy Carnival

  1. Darragh says:

    What a great idea!