The best free n’ easy music downloads on the webbly.
Born free! As free as the wind blows. As free as the grass grows. And that’s all I know of that one. Not that you’re here to mentally recreate my karaoke prowess based on the typed word, but that one always comes into my head when I start gathering the musicy goodness for you lot. It is a glorious thing that you can fill your iPod with legally acquired, free-of-charge, harmonious love and wonderment. It makes me feel glad to be alive!
As does this week’s first lovely gifted track. This is Going To The Casino (Tomorrow Night) by Aussie soul-punks, Philadelphia Grand Jury. Philadelphia Grand Jury are Berkfinger, MC Bad Genius, and Calvin (who used to sesh for Earth Wind and Fire, the groovy bastard). According to their Myspace blurb, they are “literally explosive on stage”, which makes me wonder how they’re still alive. Cleary some strain of superheroes. Or supervillains. Either way, I’m sold. You can download the track from Soundcloud here, and the band are also giving away a 4-track EP through their Myspace.
Another reason I feel all lively and such is that our Marina seems to have finally conceded that the doleful, bitter, gorgeous Seventeen is one of her best songs, and should never have been left off debut album The Family Jewels. I love it when a plan comes together. As recompense, she has now made it available as a free download from her official site, provided you join her mailing list, which is less a poisoned chalice and more a chalice filled with melted chocolate and gold flakes - Marina’s updates are personal, pithy, and very sweet. Highly recommended.
How patriotic are you feeling today? Why not support local talent by downloading a lovely new Adebisi Shank song from their new album and tweeting goodoh about it? Adebisi Shank are not the next best thing. They’re the current best thing. They’re noisy, lovely boys who can’t quite get the hang of balaclavas but, like cattle prods, we won’t hold that against them.
Here’s another current big thing you can legally swipe and feel all scrumptiously smug about it after, especially when hipster boys/girls start making kissy faces at you. This is NME favourite We’ve Still Got The Taste Dancin’ On Our Tongues by Wild Beasts. It’s a rather coolly sexy song, but only available here until August 9th, so you should give it an ould squeeze while you can. Free coolly sexy music is perfect for you part-time indie kids with rusting photoblogs.
And because it’s Friday, and because it’s summer, and because she’s just so bloody cute, can we recommend a couple of free songs from hotly-tipped Americana sweetie, Caitlin Rose? You can grab Shotgun Wedding and Sinful Wishing Well from LastFM, as an introduction to Caitlin’s debut album, Own Side Now. A Moldy Peaches quirkiness mixed with the high clarity of Regina Spektor’s vocals might be just the job to set you up for the weekend. Besides, one should never look a My Little Pony (with removable straw hat) in the mouth.
Enjoy the weekend, you musical Scrooges, you penniless dears!