Lissie Back At The Academy In December.

Joyous tidings for those of us broke/lazy/thick enough to miss the chance of a ticket for next month’s sold out show; Lissie has announced another date for The Academy on Tuesday, 7th of December. I wrote about Lissie before. She’s a rare creature - a rockin’ sack of talent that happens to look like someone cast in a Simple ad (and my friend Fordie). This is the video for her latest song Cuckoo, which comes from debut album Catching A Tiger (though the Cuckoo EP has a rather worthy cover of Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance, which you can check out after the jump). If that video doesn’t put a huge grin on your face, please paint one on with markers before I catch you and become disillusioned. Tickets are €17 and went on sale earlier today. Hurry!

Review: Celtic Rising at The Burlington

If you’re fresh from watching Ireland’s newest Rose of Tralee being crowned on the telly last night then this just might be the traditional, Irish heritage-loving post for you. Culch was lucky enough to be able to head along to Celtic Rising at the Burlington on Monday night for what turned out to be the best bitta craic (great gas, now we’re suckin’ diesel and whatever throwback phrase you’re having yourself) we’ve had on a schoolnight in quite a while. The show is pitched as a celebration of Irish heritage and culture and their promo video on The YouTube is all about the [i]Aon, Dó, Trí[/i]… …we were expecting Riverdance with a sitdown meal thrown in and, well, we weren’t entirely wrong…