Colm’s Electric Picnic
In our ongoing roundup of Electric Picnic, not everyone thought it was the be all and end all. Here’s Colm’s look at his first Electric Picnic. And his last? -Darren ‘This has to be the happiest place on earth’ said the man in his mid-fifties to the wood carver selling his wares. ‘He’s not wrong’ Darren said to me. And he wasn’t. Electric Picnic is just magic. The sheer joy emanating from the place was tangible, and a single bad attitude was not encountered over the whole weekend. Now I’m not a festival person. Frankly I’m not a music person. The line up meant absolutely nothing to me. Roxy Music? Never heard of them. Leftfield? Still nothing. LCD Soundsystem? Don’t they make electronics? But I really wasn’t worried about that. ‘Electric Picnic is about so much more than the music’, I heard from everyone. ‘There’s something there for everyone’. There … There’s more