Competition Closed: Bill Coleman, New Album, Unique Artwork

Bill Coleman is a Cork musician determined to do things for himself. A prolific writer he’s self-releasing his second album “You Can’t buy Back Your Life” today and we’ve got 3 copies to give away to you lucky Culch readers!

Coleman decided to forgo the traditional label route and produce a limited edition run of 2,000 CDs with handmade artwork. The result is that each CD is completely unique. Check out the nifty video below which will give you a taste of Coleman’s musical style and which compresses the artwork creation process into 3-and-a-bit minutes. Bill also talks about the project here.

Given this level of focus about his artwork, it’s no surprise to learn he is equally determined to do-it-himself when it comes to the music. Recorded in a home studio, the sound is a mixture of handclappy indie pop and slower, more heartfelt songs. Comparisons with Damien Rice have been made, but to my mind there is a greater pop sensibility to Coleman’s work - if we’re going down the comparison route, the album bears more resemblance to Rice’s former bandmates Bell X1 .

Coleman is ‘pulling a Radiohead’ and allowing listeners to chose their price when buying the digital download of “You Can’t Buy Back Your Life”. You can get the download or buy the CD on his website here.

To win one of 3 copies of the album on CD with unique artwork just be one the first 3 people to leave the comment “I want Bill Coleman’s new album” on this post and we’ll arrange for the unique CD to be posted out to your home. Simples.

About Éilish Burke

Éilish writes the Ad Nauseam series of posts for as well as some other bit and bobs. She used to work in adland and still likes to dissect the advertising she comes across, though these days mainly from the comfort of her couch and in the form of angry tirades while her flatmate rolls her eyes to heaven. She secretly harbours smug feelings that instead of saving and putting a deposit on a house she spent all her life savings on extravagant holidays and has therefore escaped a lifetime in negative equity. She co-runs a company called Amp Music Marketing. You can get in touch with her at eilishburke{at}gmail{dot}com or follow her on Twitter.

7 Responses to Competition Closed: Bill Coleman, New Album, Unique Artwork

  1. Shaine says:

    “I want Bill Coleman’s new album”

  2. Siobhan Kane says:

    I want Bill Coleman’s new album

  3. Goferrit Shaine… send your postal address to me and i’ll pass it on to Bill (see my email address above)

  4. koth says:

    “I want Bill Coleman’s new album”

  5. Okay guys… Shaine, Siobhán and Koth - you 3 are the lucky winners…
    Could each of you please email me with at my email address (above) and I will send on your details to Bill Coleman and the man himself will post you out the CD?

  6. Siobhan Kane says:

    Many thanks. I received the album in the post from Bill this morning. I’ve just played it and it is the dogs.

  7. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Interview and (oh yea) a FREE album: Bill Coleman