Swords Comedy Club

Next Gig - this Thursday October 28th @ 9pm


There’s a what, where….?

In a world gone mental with Vincent Browne, Pat Kenny and Miriam O’Callaghan all involved in some sort of celebrity death match with the X-factor and The Spice Girls…. Now Andrew Stanley gets to walk home after his gig and keep it a little bit North-side Dublin.

I deserve a laugh and a taxi journey that doesn’t cost the same price as a car rental and a hotel room including 2 dinners and one evening meal.

I’ve seen Stanley and Rooney live before. A tenner is decent value for those two names alone. Didn’t know George Fox was moonlighting under a very similar pseudonym ;)

The comedy club is also on facebook. That I’m aware it’s a tenner if you book online or €12 on the door. [I'm open to correction on this one]

Book your Swords Comedy Club Tickets here.

Never been to Swords? Dunno where Rivervalley is ? Here’s the google map link to take you right to Swords Comedy Club [Map]

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

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