Full Circle Exhibition

A few months ago, a lovely friend of mine had a great idea. Getting our old class from college back together by organising an exhibition where we each go back and tackle the very first graphic design brief given to us back in 2002 in our first year of Visual Communications in CIT. The result of this brainwave, along with several months of work, is Full Circle.

Fourteen of us took part, each given free rein to either tackle and put our own unique spin on, or reject and react to the classic “Black Squares Problem” in the form of a single A0 poster. The idea behind this exhibition is to showcase how far our work has come in the eight years since we were first confronted with this brief. The opening of the exhibition kicks off from 6pm this Friday, in FilmBase (across from The Button Factory) on Curved Street, Temple Bar and the work will be on display until 5.30pm on Saturday. Admission is free and we’d only love to see you there!

Full Circle on Facebook.

About Kitty Catastrophe

Constantly planning for the zombie apocalypse. Loves bacon fries and Tanora. Can be found blogging about all kinds of nonsense over on Red Lemonade

3 Responses to Full Circle Exhibition

  1. Darren Byrne says:

    Hey K, this really sounds interesting. Such a clever idea. Will you have samples of the 2002 work there too?

    I’ll try my best to make it along on Friday.

  2. tcup says:

    Hey Darren i’ll be exhibiting there too and to answer your question, no, there wont be examples of the 2002 work as i think we destroyed the originals in a ritual burning at the end of first year!

    by the way there’s free wine!

  3. Kitty Cat says:

    Hi Darren! It’d be great to see you there if you could make it. Like TCup said, I don’t think anyone’s first attempt at this project survived college, though I can pretty much guarantee that this time around everyone’s pieces will be infinitely better!