Still Not Stirring ? Real Irish Comedy On RTE

I was supposed to do this yesterday or the day before but….. the sprouts got in the way.


Anyhows….. filmed in the Sugar Club in Dublin, made by irish company Blueprint Pictures and featuring 3 of Irelands finest comedians. Here’s what RTE say….

Up Close and Personal offers an intimate evening’s entertainment with some of Ireland’s most popular and original comic talent. This three-part series was recorded earlier this month in front of a specially invited audience including Peter Donegan in Dublin’s Sugar Club. The series showcases a wide range of Irish comedy styles and attitudes and features the Mistress of Mirth - Deirdre O’Kane, the Master of Mayhem - Jason Byrne and the Don Of Deadpan - Jimeoin.

RTE give more details here. And the programmes go live at the following times

  • Deirdre O’Kane: RTÉ Two, Sunday 26 December 2010, 10.00pm
  • Jimeoin: RTÉ Two, Monday 27 December 2010, 9.00pm
  • Jason Byrne: RTÉ Two, Tuesday 28 December 2010, 9.00pm

I made it to Jasons gig and all I can say it is simply not to be missed….. Irish made and Irish humour. More of this sort of thing. Well done RTE.

UPDATE: nabbed a screen grab off the tele box


About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or

2 Responses to Still Not Stirring ? Real Irish Comedy On RTE

  1. Jennifer Ryan says:

    I was at this too! I was sitting in front of Fago.

    Brilliant, edit didn’t do it as much justice as it should of.

    • Peter says:


      i remember going to see Declan Nerny play in the Galtymore in London…. long story ;)
      Brilliant stuff live. Nothing like seeing a grown man going bezerk in person - I refer to jason here of course.

      Don’t know whether personally that ‘you had to be there’ feeling can ever be put inside a samsung or a jvc.
      I watched it on the player. still hilarious.
