A Feast of Boys Jumpers
You didn’t know it but yes, that’s what this Christmas’s telly was all about. First we had Toast, the BBC adaptation of the childhood memoirs of the chef Nigel Slater. Lots of 60s nostalgia and lovely food but neither of these could top Nigel’s classic jumpers: Then on the not so jolly front, RTE showed the children’s holocaust film The Boy in the Striped Pygamas. SO not my cup of tea, I don’t know how anyone would put their kid through the ending of this, but it was on in my house and I couldn’t turn away from Bruno’s fantastic pullovers: And finally, from nostalgic drama and mis lit for warped minds to comedy that will have you in tears. Sky ran a series of christmas short films called Little Crackers, in which 6 celebrities narrated and cameoed in films about their childhood christmas. Stephen Fry gets top billing but … There’s more