Fade Street Recap: Boy Meets Girl

Here at Culch we love Fade Street. No really, we do. And we’re not in the least bit ashamed. Its glamourous, OTT and just the right amount of trashy to make it must see TV. Plus lets face it, Dublin has never looked as good as it does in this show. So we’re delighted that it has returned to our screens after a brief hiatus. And things are really heating up for our favourite socialites/wannabes. Mondays episode saw more glamourous plot developments than you can shake your Louboutins at! Check out our recap after the break. Shut up that’s awesome! (Btw is #shutupthatsawesome over yet, cos I really feel likes its run its course?).

But first, where did we leave off. Our quick recap reminds us that Dani broke up with Paul because he was a ‘fuckin eejit’, but even still was broken hearted; Louise beat Vogue to the Internship despite being pretty shite at the job and it leaving Vogue with pretty much nothing to do; and Cici was a barely there background character who flitted between the lives of the 3 other girls for no apparent reason, but looked damn good doing it! Amazing!

Our story begins by reminding us just what an amazing life our favourite girls have, with Louise returning from yet another holiday, this time in Egypt. Dani’s new job is going really well, the guys are really nice and she’s loving her single life. No mention of Paul is made, so fingers crossed we may be rid of him for good! Poor Louise isn’t having any luck in the love life department though as she hasn’t heard from Harrison yet - completely devo for her!

Cut to the Powerscourt Centre where Vogue just happens to bump into the man himself with a mystery babe/plot device. Vogue mentions that Louise has returned which is news to Harry. ‘Well she’s back today, so there ya go’ says Vogue in her best attempt at acting natural on what we can only assume was the 5th take. After a brief sojurn to Dani’s job, where we learn she’s little more than the office bitch reduced to coffee runs, its off to a high street clothes store for our first taste of the devastatingly amazing Cici this week. Vogue wastes no time in mentioning that she’s a resident DJ in Andrews Lane Theatre and is now going to get back into acting, which is great because it now means that she will actually have a storyline for the rest of the season. Cici isn’t too impressed with her mention of Harry and his mystery woman however - ‘Sharing carrotcake, how cheesy. Should have been cheesecake!’ Now you know the way to Cici’s heart folks! ‘Maybe we’re just being bitches’, says Vogue, cementing her status as the Soundest Girl In Dublin ™!

Cut to Stellar and we see Louise return to work to be greeted warmly by our favourite power-gay Dillon. My thoughts of ‘since when does he like her’ were quickly quashed when he reminded her that he just missed the office slave. ‘We’ve actually got an editorial meeting this morning’ he announces in a tone that would suggest such a thing were a completely bizarre occurance in a magazine office. The hard-working professionals proceed to talk about boys and degenerate into the giggling school girls they really are. Well at least Louise is having fun, as we learn that poor Vogue is reduced to working as a waitress in a cafe. After a brief cameo from Amber, Vogues equally sound sister (and possibly equally hot, we don’t know cos she didn’t get a close up) we get some prattle from Vogue about how tough it was to pursue acting while also in College blah, blah, blah.

Later, in the most revealing scene of the episode we learn that Cici is secretly a bit of a nerd, as she instantly recognises Storm from the X-Men. I hope you’re taking notes boys - cheesecake and X-Men! Dani asks Cici for advice on her tattoo selection but Cici has other things on her mind as she mentions some boy she wants to set her up with. Dani offers some token resistance in the form of ‘We’ll see’. Meanwhile back at Stellar, Michael O’Doherty is back and proving just as menacing as ever. Louise offers up the brilliant, unique and thoroughly original idea of having an Agony Uncle for the magazine and suggests her friend who writes on the internet. ‘Everybody writes on the internet, that doesn’t mean you can write!’ says Michael. I wish I could argue him on that one! Regardless, clearly he has designs on Dillons title of office power-bitch (the jury is still out on whether he has designs on title of office power-gay!). And ending the meeting on a high, Susan wants a word with Louise - always a good sign. She emerges from the office a moment later with her trade mark sour puss. ‘So what was that about’ enquires Dillon. ‘You don’t have to be so nosey all the time!’ she replies. I swear at this point I wouldn’t have been surprise if he had said ‘Yes I do its in the script’.

Poor Dani is also having work woes with her colleagues (the most natural actors ever btw) not convinced she can make it in the fast paced world of the tattoo artist. Will she have to resign herself to the role of just a piercer? Only time will tell. Meanwhile in an art gallery that clearly has no qualms about people speaking loudly on their mobile phones, Louise receives a call from Harry asking her on a date. ‘I’ll give you another chance’ she says, failing miserably to hide the fact that she’s clearly gagging for it. Oh and Cici was there too, fulfilling her role of accompanying the other 3 girls while they do things that are relevant to their own storylines. Well at least she looked devastatingly awesome as per usual!

Oh look. Its Louise and Vogue. On a boat. As you do. Talk turns to Harry with Louise quickly making excuses for his lousy behaviour. Vogue, once again proving that she’s the Soundest Girl In Dublin ™ responds with ‘what an asshole though’. Tell it how it is girl! Poor Louise is being battered on all fronts however, as she reveals that she is only being taken on part-time and not being paid as much as she had hoped. Guess thats the end of trips to Marbella and Egypt! ‘Be happy you have a job, you stole mine ya bitch’ from Vogue, clearly not realising that Louise and perspective don’t exactly go hand in hand. More plot developments follow with Vogue revealing that she heard from Corina (who despite being her great friend, still couldn’t get her the job) that Stellar are hiring another girl. ‘Girl?’ says Louise, laced with venom and resentment. At least having another girl to hate will ensure that her friendship with Vogue isn’t as rocky anymore. It might even extend to Dani too.

So you’re a young guy in Dublin and you’re trying to impress a beautiful girl with her own tv show. Where do you take her? Oh that’s right, the Stillorgan Leisureplex. Genius idea! Still, there is, as he points out, quality food! Louise is clearly not impressed with the bowling however, nor is she impressed with his reasons for not replying to her two texts from Egypt. Despite this she readily agrees to another date with him on Friday night (while the sound of Desperado by The Eagles plays in the background). Back in work Louise is chatting with her new office BFF Dillon, when in enters some new girl (whose tan does not impress Dillon!). “OMG its your replacement, nice knowing you Louise’ he chimes, and we love him for it. The new girl is, according to Susan, ‘the fabulous Melina’ and is just the best thing since sliced bread apparently. Melina will be dealing with Stellars birthday party, which is super important and has to go off without a hitch. So naturally Susan leaves it in the capable hands of Louise, the Intern who has never let her down before! Louise wastes no time in sizing Melina up, asking her whether she’s employed by the magazine directly or not. Some delightful banter between the two, with barely retracted claws, gives us a wonderful impression of what we have in store.

Oh my god whats this? Its Cici. And she’s in a scene by herself. With none of the other girls in sight. Maybe she’s going to get something to do? Oh wait no, its just a scene to set up Andre, Dani’s new love interest. Oh well, better luck next time. At least he said what we were all thinking, observing that she was a little overdressed for the print room. Cut to Vogue at her acting class having the craic, as only truly sound girls can. After class she gets some sage advice during a chat with her classmate George who advises her not to do nude work as she’ll just get typecast. Well he knows the lingo, so she’d be a fool not to take his advice!

So in our next scene we see the girls arrive at Oktoberfest. Vogue is working her giant mug of beer like an old pro, and dropping the sausage jokes like theres no tomorrow, to the utter horror of poor old prudish Louise. Enter Andre who observes that he feels like he intruding on a girls night out. I don’t know where he got that impression, I mean Cici only referred to it as that a million times! Still no sign of Harry as they leave for Lillies but we are treated to a beautiful establishing shot of them crossing Grafton St to enter the club, this despite the fact that coming from the IFSC they would have arrived from the other direction. Maybe they popped home first to get Dani some cider?

Once in the club both Dani and Cici get lucky. Cici seems unsure of her guy Keith though, first referring to him as an absolute babe, before later telling him to his face that he looks kinda like a clown. Ah well this is the closest thing she’s had to her own storyline yet so she grabs it with both hands. Andre proves a right charmer asking Dani about her piercings before making his move. Harry meanwhile proves anything but, finally arriving late only to go off and flirt with another girl at the bar. Louise goes a bit psycho at this point, accusing him of having a split personaility (while remaining blind to the irony of this considering she refuses for no reason the drink she asked him for just moments before). So off she storms in a huff, to be consoled by sound Vogue with her ‘what a creep’ down to earth advice. Louise insists that she is fine though, before hopping into a taxi to take her the less than 10 minutes home.

Well I don’t know about the rest of you but this week was just too much drama for me to handle! What will next week bring? Will Dani be reunited with her cider? Will Vogue do some nude modelling for George? Will Louise crack a smile? And just what will Cici wear (no point wondering what she’s going to be doing after all!).

Most believable moment: Dani acting all disinterested when Cici mentions Andre but as soon as she says she showed him a photo Dani is straight in with ‘Was it a really good photograph?’. Cicis reply was even better though - ‘It was a hideous photograph, so if he liked you at your worst…’

Oh and make sure you all check out this weeks Following Fade Street presented by the interwebs very own Blogger/DJ/Ridebag Conor Behan. If you think the girls live a glamourous life, just wait until you see him!

About Colm

I like stuff! Follow me on the Twitter @marajadefan

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