Review - Love and Other Drugs

Pharmaceutical drug rep Jamie Randall (Jake Gyllenhaal) who has more notches on his bedpost than most meets his match in Maggie (Anne Hathaway), an alluring free spirit who just so happens to be suffering from early onset Parkinson’s. It’s nice to see Gyllenhaal and Hathaway on screen again, minus the slightly dodgy aging effects used in Brokeback Mountain. Many fans of the two leads wondered why they signed up to do a fluffy romance movie, but Love and Other Drugs is slightly more than the Rom-Com that it is billed as. Sure, Jamie has his heart stolen by a girl as unpredictable as he is, but the fact that she is suffering from a degenerative disease and her fear of getting close to anyone breaks down his barriers, and gives the audience a reason to root for the relationship to work.

Ad Nauseam… De do do do do doooo

I’m still emerging from my Christmas holiday coma and fighting the acceptance that it’s actually now mid January. Hence I haven’t written a proper post this week. But there has been one ad on telly in the ‘deliberately shit but awesome’ category which got my bells ringing. De do do do do dooo… I don’t understand why Pat Shortt’s programmes are so successful (actually that’s a lie, I do - they’re watched by middle aged counthry people such as half of my family) and on a personal level I’d rather poke my eye out with a splintered twig than watch an episode of Killinyourauntiewhoisactuallyalsoyoursister or whatever it’s called, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for the Pat Shortt of the D’Unbelievables era. The man clearly has dramatic talent too, as shown in his nuanced performance in Garage, the fact that he chooses to ride the RTE … There’s more

Choice Music Prize Irish Album of The Year 2010 Shortlist Announced…

It’s that time of year again… Just as you thought you’d seen the back of the debates surrounding end-of-year lists, the Choice Music Prize shortlist announcement comes along to get everyone all riled up again! The Choice Music Prize was established in 2005 to highlight, promote and showcase the work of Irish bands and artists. What is unique, and most admirable, about the Choice Music Prize is that it rewards the music and no other factor – sales levels or amount of airplay are not considerations of the judging panel. Previous winners are Julie Feeney, The Divine Comedy, Super Extra Bonus Party, Jape, and Adrian Crowley. So who will be joining the alumni of Choice Music Prize winners? The nominees are… Adebesi Shank - This is the Second Album of a band called Adebisi Shank The Cast of Cheers – Chariot Cathy Davey - The Nameless Fight Like Apes - … There’s more

Review - The Green Hornet

When his father dies, Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) decides to change his life, turn his back on his days as a party boy and devote his life to fighting crime. With the help of his friend and mechanic, Kato (Jay Chou), Reid forms his alter ego – The Green Hornet – and sets about cleaning up the streets of LA. Along the way, however, he discovers some unpleasant truths about his father and the media empire that he was running. The Green Hornet has been a pet project of Seth Rogen’s for a long time. Like Scorsese’s beloved Gangs of New York, it kept getting pushed back and pushed back to such a degree that many wondered if it would ever see the light of day. The movie is finally here, but the question is, is it any good?

Just what is going on with the Spider-Man musical anyway?

Spiderman We’ve written about Spiderman here at Culch before. I know its a world away in New York but its got an Irish interest considering Bono and The Edge are involved. Plus frankly its an incredible story, with the daily developments of the troubled production proving to be just as entertaining (and maybe even moreso according to some early viewers) as the show itself. Read all about the ups and downs of this remarkable production after the break.