Awful Movie Posters

Niall and Brogen are usually the bee’s knees/cat’s pyjamas when it comes to good movies, so I better not go there. However, in 2010 I came across a lot of quality movie posters, so I thought I’d round up some of the really, really bad ones. Which glorious Oscar contenders am I missing?

What if Stargate had the production values of a Bosco episode?

IMDb Rating: 4.2/10

The film’s name says it all. But oh that tagline, even better.

IMDb Rating: 4.2/10

What could be worse than having a film with the Rock as the lead? Oh yeah, that tagline.

IMDb Rating: 4.8/10

You’ve got one and a half of the world’s biggest film stars in one movie. Surely you actually show their faces on the poster?

IMDb Rating: 6.4/10

Piranha may have had Kelly Brook’s boobs, but this one was Mega!

IMDb Rating: 2.9/10

About Ronan

Music blogger turned book/TV blogger. Avid follower of the Irish soccer team.

6 Responses to Awful Movie Posters

  1. Darren Byrne says:

    Superman 3. I mean, seriously??

  2. Ronan says:

    I didn’t know Richard Pryor was in Superman III.

  3. Annie says:

    Did you see the poster for Knight and Day with Cameron and Tom actually in it? The dodgiest photoshop job I have seen since SATC2:

  4. Peter Balfe says:

    If we are going back beyond 2010 I always thought RHX 1138 was awful

  5. bngr says:

    Ronan, are those films actually real?

  6. Ronan says:

    bngr: amazingly, yes. There was also a sequel to Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus that I left out!