Ad Nauseam: Betting on a One Trick Pony

If you’re interested in learning about the art of advertising I can recommend no book more than ‘The Advertising Concept Book’, which is not only something nice to put on your coffee table, but is also chockers full of sage advise, beautiful pencil illustrations and campaign deconstructions from author ex-Ogilvy adman Pete Barry. The byline of the book ‘Think Now, Design Later’ sets out Barry’s stall; that great advertising is only great if its roots are in insight-led ideas. I was reminded of one of the lessons in the book recently when hearing and seeing some recent Irish ad campaigns. Barry talks about the difference between having an overall concept which leads to lots of different ideas and having one idea which gets spun out into lots of different versions. The latter circumstance is common in short-lived advertising campaigns, but it is a route which is often taken as the … There’s more

Review - The Fighter

As happens with most preview screenings at Culch, an email went out to the group but I responded back damn fast on this one. The Fighter, starring Mark Whalberg and Christian Bale, was a film I’d singled out from the first trailer and a half day off work was well worth it. The film is based on the real-life story of boxer Micky Ward from Lowell, Massachusetts. Micky has grown up in the shadow of his older half-brother and trainer Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale). It’s clear that Dicky was once a fantastic fighter but over the years has slipped in with the wrong crowd.He’s still living off the prestige of his high flying days and believes that there’s still time for his comeback. If there’s a single film this year that manages to capture blue collar life as well as The Fighter does, I’d be surprised. Micky works on the … There’s more