New Music: The Suicide of Western Culture
Proving that it’s not just the Nordics of our Euro brethren that can release electronica ready to crawl into your earhole and linger there, is the duo from Spain known as Suicide of Western Culture. Although recorded over a year ago now, their eponymous debut album is beginning to take flight with high praise in Spain and a slot at what is shaping up to be one of the best festivals this year, Primavera Sound. All in all it looks like 2011 is going to be the breakthrough year for the pair with a penchant for Daft-Punkish facial anonymity. And it’s no wonder with tracks as lovely (and punchy) as This is The Last Time I Shake Your Hand: Taking their DIY ethos seriously and inspired by bands like Godspeed You Black Emperor the album was created in a London youth hostel using a super limited roster of equipment including … There’s more