Leccy Piccy ’11: The Line-up

Continuing the round of festival-related news in these parts, the leccy piccy line-up announcement at POD yesterday. Here’s the festival booking manager talking about the music weekend that put Stradbally on the map: Electric Picnic’s patronising tone of recent years - charging exorborant ticket prices and consistently repelling arguments about lack of musical quality by repeating the now-formulaic ‘it’s all about the atmosphere’ and listing out the festival awards won that year - has come to an end. There can be no complaints this year. Headliners Arcade Fire, Interpol, PJ Harvey, Chemical Brothers and the massive coup that is Pulp, are worthy of a ticket prices alone.Garnish these off with sheer quality mid-afternoon “dragging your friend out of a ditch” background music of Midlake, Beriut and The Walkmen. In an unprecdeneted turn for this festival, which in recent years has had no problems in dredging world music for some truly … There’s more

Arctic Monkeys set for Album Number Four

Sheffield’s finest (well, discounting Richard Hawley), the Arctic Monkeys are one of the main acts at this year’s Oxegen festival. Whenever a band comes back to Oxegen, there always seems to be an album in tow. After finding out the lineup on Tuesday, yesterday we got news of a new album from Alex Turner and the rest of his gang, their fourth. It’s called Suck It and See, and will be released on Friday, 3rd of June. Hopefully the music inside is much better than the title, but you should never judge a book by its cover. Actually, does that apply to eBooks too? And digital music? Anyhow, I rant. The first single came out last week, and is called ‘Brick By Brick’. Have a listen below. ‘The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala’ sounds like it could be interesting, by the way…