A ‘Knight’ Out with Danny McBride

  Being a blogger isn’t always sunshine and lollipops, unless you are one of the lucky ones covering the bi-annual ‘Sonnenschein und Lolly-Knalle’ festival on the outskirts of Salzburg of course. Sometimes it’s a thankless, spell checking, dull awards-sitting, social nightmare of a thing. However, it also allows you the opportunity to be asked ‘Do you want to sit in a pub and chat to Danny McBride for a little bit?’, which is not something you say no to really.   Yes, the insanely manly-looking star of such movies as ‘Pineapple Express’ and the T.V. show ‘Eastbound and Down’ was in town to promote new fantasy comedy epic ‘Your Highness’. Following a screening of the film (which a review can be found here), Danny came on stage for a quick Q&A hosted by the quick-witted, priest-voiced comedian Jarlath Regan. Here Danny would discuss such topics as the dangers of carrying … There’s more