Ad Nauseam: De DAA Made Me Do It

Sometimes advertising can elevate itself to the realms of artistry. It can lift your spirits. It can raise the hairs on the back of your neck, make you drop your forkful of pasta with stir-in sauce and pause for a few seconds to contemplate the bigger things in life. Sometimes it tries to do this and it fails: God help them really, the DAA. They’re trying to create a Riverdance moment but it’s hard to conjure up that kind of magic when the general mood of the populace is in such tatters. They’re just not going to win us over by telling us how marvelous we are as we wheel our luggage trolleys towards Departures. The construction of Terminal 2 has been mired in controversy since day one with overspending and airline in-fighting played out in the public eye. The project got the go-ahead in 2005 at a time when … There’s more

Competition CLOSED: Win an XBox 360 and Rockband Starter Kit with M&Ms and

***Competition Closed. Congrats to Linda Callaghan*** We have a bit of an awesome competition for you. A few weeks back we were invited into M&Ms HQ to see their new ad. If you haven’t caught it on the tellybox yet, then the basic idea behind it is that Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue and Green are going head-to-head in an election campaign where the public can vote for their favourite ‘candydate’ (here and here if you’re interested) and as an added bonus, all voters are entered into a draw for a chance to win a trip to New York to attend the election party of the winning M&M. Cool? We think so.