Event of the Week: June 13th - 19th

A few weeks back, Culch was invited to take part in the launch event for the Where’s Wally Guinness World Record attempt that’s going to take place during Street Performance World Championships in Dublin next weekend. The plan was a simple one…a Where’s Wally flashmob of 200 people dressed as Wallys, singing Always Look on the Bright Side of Life as the LUAS pulled into Stephen’s Green before marching to Bewley’s and following the instructions of the head Wally on the balcony from jumping jacks to lying on the ground and taking a rest. Naturally, we were well up for it, and 5 of us trekked out to Sandyford LUAS stop one chilly Friday morning to receive our instructions…. A few hours of practice later we managed to achieve this: If it looks like fun (and it should, because it was!) then don’t despair that you weren’t there. The proper … There’s more