Album Review: Henrietta Game - Black Ship

Yesterday evening I attended the launch of Henrietta Game’s album, Black Ship.

Henrietta game - Henrietta Blues (mp3)

The first I’d heard of Henrietta Game, being honest was last week when myself and Brian Greene got our dates wrong and turned up for their album launch, a week early. Noting our attendance, we even played them as song of the week on The SodShow.

This week however, I did google my research and as one would I came across The Irish Times review by Laura Turner. According to her good self, I didn’t have that much to look forward to….. and you can add to my anticipated tale of potential woe the fact that it was absolutely lashing it down in Dublin.

Black Ship is more of a clement cruiser than a boisterous battler

She noted. I searched again. Tony Clayton Lee how are you….

they appear to have their proverbial you-know-what together, they know how to construct an avant pop song without coming over all pretentious on our collective ass

I’ll make up my own mind. I did. I loved it.

Henrietta Game, Running Out Of Time (mp3)

The launch took place aboard The Jeanie Johnston boat that sits moored on Dublins Custom House Quay. Romantically intimate you might think. You’d be right. But the weather was that bad the rain slightly trickled through the upper deck to where I sat surrounded by historic relics that set the scene for the boat tours. My puddle soaked bottom sat alone and as others realised the excess water side effects, the invited crowd dispersed around me. Little did I realise that from an audio perspective, it was the greatest thing that could have happened.

jeanie johnston

It wasn’t until I sat soaked on my Dublin busjourney home that I realised what I had captured. The sounds I think you’ll agree are something quite brilliant.

@HenriettaGame praque (mp3)

Reading the fly-er that was handed to me as I boarded, I quickly spotted Henrietta Game listed to play Body & Soul at Electric Picnic. If I do make it to Stradbally, I know that is one gig I will not want to miss.

For me, I never thought I’d be into a band that notes itself on the press release as:

…merging of disparate musical influences has resulted in a blend of sound that some have classified as alternative-folk and others have found difficult to categorise. It is worth noting that various members of the band are classically trained musicians, which adds a depth of sheer quality to their work.

In that I refer to the classically trained bit. But I will note, I was wrong to pre judge. I was right however though to allow myself make up my own mind. Henrietta Game are a hard act to categorise. But that’s a good thing, right ? Scratching my head looking for someone they may sound like or influences that may have warranted their genre…. I realised I couldn’t find a similarity. The reality is they are a breath of fresh air. They are something new and I like it. I like it a lot.

Wanna know what it sounds like when an angel sings ? Listen to this.

Henrietta game Hysteric (mp3)

My review in summary is this: Bloody genius. 5/5. 10/10. Looking forward to their second album. To Aongus, Christy, Aisling & Judy, thank you. I was honoured.

Henrietta game - Sleep Then (mp3)

The current single is Sleep Then. The album is Black Ship. More info @ HenriettaGame.Com.

update: forgot about this vid. It’s a bit rocky, but it’ll help you imagine the audio that bit better maybe.

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or

4 Responses to Album Review: Henrietta Game - Black Ship

  1. Sinead Keogh says:

    Ah I’m delighted you posted this! Myself and Darren saw them at Temple House Festival and they were fantastic. I wanted to go to the launch by my college class were having a bit of a reunion dinner. Definitely catching them at EP.

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  3. Sinéad
    i’d say they’ll be flippin genius at body and soul. you missed a real good ‘un.

    see ye soon

  4. Barry says:

    love it Pete - a real class example of [specifically music] blogging here.

    agrees entirely re the sounds of an angel - great cover of hysterical.

    very well done