Video: OMG it’s Jedward!

So, a weird thing happened to us yesterday. There we were, minding our own business (for a change), checking our email (for a change) and we come across one called ‘Message from Jedward’. Naturally we regarded it with a fairly hefty amount of suspicion since most emails we get purporting to be from 18-year-olds go straight into the spam folder but turns out there was nothing untoward about it…we really did get a message from Jedward.

See? It might be one of those things you can actually describe as surreal, as opposed to most of the time when it’s common usage is mangled. Obviously we’re entirely aware that it’s a clever little ploy to promote their new album, but since the other hello videos they did were for the likes of Miriam O’Callaghan, Perez Hilton (who they described as the best website ever - sigh, they’re not even wrong) and Obama, and we’re not even 5% as cool as any of them, you might as well click on it to get our views up. Our Momma didn’t raise no loser. (She did, though.)


2 Responses to Video: OMG it’s Jedward!

  1. White Rabbit NI says:

    That is the greatest thing I’ve seen today. GREATEST

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