Album Review: Arctic Monkeys - Suck it and See

Arctic Monkeys - Suck it and See

It was years ago when Radiohead did Creep, later when The Frames cranked out Revelate, and reeling on the years when Arctic Monkeys blew my head off at volume level number max factor five bizillion with extra added throttle that I and most of us saw Arctic Monkeys do this:

Their debut album became the fastest-selling debut album in British music history, surpassing Oasis’ Definitely Maybe and remains the fastest-selling debut album for a band in the UK

I’m not saying the band haven’t done much since, I’m not….. just bear with me here…. all I’m saying is it did not have the same impact. Album no. 4 however may just do it for you.

I of course intended on giving it the 10 second sampler leaf through, but before I could do that the intro song She’s Thunderstorms grabbed my attention. With an odd sort of Pixies-type guitar solo [of sorts], I was drawn in and surprised. I let it play on….

Arctic Monkeys

Black Treacle did the same and I kind of thought, flip the bass on this is effing legendary…….. I cranked up the volume. Library Pictures ? doesn’t that sound a bit like eh….. no… and yeah….

Sure, the volume notch didn’t make it as loud asWhatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2006) but I did like what I heard and once again I searched for the influence but by track 3 when I hit Brick by Brick - that and the following tracks sort of grabbed me by the goolies. I am a man again. I wanted to kick over a chair [politely... and pick it back up discretely like]. That until I hit I hit the album’s title track Suck it and See. A slow set to the Arctics ? Eff it yeah, I can live with that….

12 tracks. Album no. 4. Suck it and See. I’ve got no Press Release for this album, either. I don’t want one. You can take your copy and paste and shove it where the Simon Cowell don’t shine. Yeah there may be a track or two you’re not mad on - but album wise - album, I say - would I suggest you buy it. Yes. Yes, yeah I’d spend my hard earned cash on this album. All of it. And that is the ultimate question [or should be ] for any music review.

I love it.

This is track no.1 - you hear what I first heard…..

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or

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