Events: Whole Lotta Zepp Perform Led Zeppelin’s ‘Led Zeppelin IV’ - All of It!

Fan of Led Zeppelin? Big enough fan to know that this year marks the 40th anniversary of their album Led Zeppelin IV? Then this is probably the gig for you. Whole Lotta Zepp are performing the album in its entirety to celebrate it’s birthday and they have an 11 piece band including 4 drummers on 3 drumkits (yep, we don’t know how that works either…) to pull it off. Their drummers have performed with Marianne Faithful (Johnny Boyle), The Frames (Binzer Brennan), Therapy? (Graham Hopkins) and HAL (Simon Freedman) and for these performances they’re hitting The Sugar Club on Leeson Street on October 1st with an all ages show at 3pm and an over 18′s event at 8pm. This is just how loud the Moby Dick event got last year… If your ears can take it, tickets are €10 here and there are prize giveaways on the day including Hard Rock … There’s more

Movie Review: 30: Minutes or Less

At the risk of asking a larger question than this review intends to tackle – ask yourself, why (other than the impeccable writing) you are reading this review, or indeed any review? With some confidence this reviewer will offer that you are doing so to figure out the best form bit of cinematic entertainment to spend your cash on. The review will be a part of the fuller selection process which includes and is informed by publicity, trailers, feelings towards the cast and word-of-mouth. The outcome can be to steer well clear, make it your business to get to a screening as soon as possible or in a world where cinema and DVD release times edge closer to each other and people construct sophisticated home entertainment systems, a movie can be relegated to a list of movies to seek out on DVD. With ’30: Minutes or Less’ there is a … There’s more