Samhain - The Spirit of Meath Hallowe’en Festival

Uncomfortable with the mass commercialisation of what was always a special time of year to me, last year I looked for something different to do with the kids around Hallowe’en. I wanted it to be spooky and magical, something they’d remember, something that tied the festival to their cultural roots. I was thrilled when a flyer for the Spirit of Meath Hallowe’en festival came through my door. One event in particular stood out to me. Traditional Torchlit Procession To the Hill of Ward, Tlachtga, just outside Athboy, Co. Meath. This is the place where Halloween began. One of the main spiritual centres of the ancient Celts was located at the top of the Hill of Tlachtga, now called the Hill of Ward, Athboy. The druids felt that this world and the otherworld were closest at Tlachtga and it was here that the festival of Samhain or Halloween was started. The … There’s more