The Runway, Kind of Based on a True story - I’ve had this DVD for a week or three now so my apologies for the delay in it’s review - but gardening, floods and wet trees took precedence. Back to it, you might be interested to know that 2010 saw Ian Power’s ‘The Runway’ take the title of Best Irish Feature film at The Galway Film Fleadh. But accolades asides the first question I will ask myself and answer:
is it worth you spending your dosh on this DVD based on my recommendation ?
Absolutely it is. I loved it. 110 % It’s a really good feel good film that is bloody hilarious in parts and in others mildly jerking at the wee cry baby inside you. What’s more if you are looking for a film that everyone can watch over the festive period [granny, dad, little johnny et al] this is it - it’s PG rated as a by the way.
More than that, if you [really] lived any type of a 1980′s childhood at all, it will leave you sitting there reminiscing and wondering just why you are wearing a pink jumper and a beige shirt [mince pie and a baileys in hand] and what the flip has changed you so much over the last umpteen years.
For the fellow that doesn’t watch a whole lotta tele-visual, it’s jam packed with a host of well known Irish faces that will leave you sitting there for ages after doing the usual
thats whats-his-face in there….. eh…. what was he in again luv ?
Surprisingly, maybe, but for those who inherited difficulties interpreting the Cork accent, the film comes in part with sub-titles - but let that not take away [and it does not in any way] from what I can only describe as what would be a genius addition to anyones DVD collection.
If you really wanna know ? according to The Corkman
In April of 1983, Mallow racecourse became an emergency airfield when a Mexican Gulfstream II business jet made a precautionary landing. Captain Ruben Ocana was flying the luxury, 15seater jet from New Jersey to Munich when strong winds added an hour to the flight time and caused a drain on fuel.
Air traffic control directed him to Cork Airport but before he could reach it the fuel reserves reached dangerously low, and he was forced to land the jet on the racecourse in Mallow. Not only did the dramatic incident make headlines across the world, it sparked a relationship between Mallow and Ruben Ocana that was to last for the rest of his life.
What they say on the back of the box:
County Cork, Ireland 1983, and for nine-year-old Paco, “Nothin’ ever happens around here”. But all this suddenly changes when late one night he witnesses a plane crash just outside the village and discovers Erniesta, the plane’s mysterious Columbian pilot who doesn’t speak a word of english.
Determind to help him get his plane back in the air, Paco convinces the localss to rally together and build a runway to get Erniesta home - an endeavour that lifts the spirits of the entire village and changes Paco’s world forever.
Inspired by the true story of a South american pilot who made an emergency landing on Mallow racecourse Co. Cork 1983