Events: Stand up against the Bankers @ Anseo December 7th

Do you want to support Occupy Dame Street but are unsure how? Well Aidan Killian may have the answer for you. He has organised a charity gig with all proceeds going to the Occupy Dame Street people. This event is €8 in. If you cannot afford €8 donate whatever you can, all who show respect for the acts are welcome.

There is an excellent line up on the night including Dean Scurry who is a resident of Occupy Dame Street as your MC for the evening, Jim Elliot who recently found his soul, Shane Browne known for his conspiracy theories, Enda Muldoon who is critically acclaimed as a “creative genius” and Aidan Killian will be your headliner.

This has the makings of an interesting, if somewhat different night of comedy… let’s see what they can bring eh? Plus it is for a good cause after all.

Where: Anseo, Camden Street
When: Dec 7th 2011
Time: 8.30pm
Cost: €8

About Amanda

So here is my bio.....hmmm...So.... I write obviously! I like to talk too (sometimes even to random strangers!) :) and take photos! I read a bit too. I love going to comedy gigs, cinema, just being out basically it seems! For more randomness from my head, visit my blog :)

2 Responses to Events: Stand up against the Bankers @ Anseo December 7th

  1. John says:

    I have looked up this Aiden Killian before and it seems he was a banker, surely he’s one of the reasons we’re in so much trouble now? Suspicious!

  2. Aidan says:

    Hey John, I quit before it all blew up to save this world one endorphin at a time :) maybe see you tonight!!