Hiya. You’re gorgeous. Did anyone ever tell you that you have lovely eyes?
Will you do us a favour?
Our mates Colm and Andy (who also write for Culch, if that sways you in any way, WHICH IT SHOULD) have entered Empire’s Done in 60 Seconds Competition. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s where competitors come up with a 60 second video that tell’s the story of a film that came out in the past year… with any kind of twist they like. There are loads of rules and stuff, but all you really need to know is that the guys have done Shame in 60 seconds, it’s deadly, many scenes were filmed in Culch Towers so you can actually see our beds and stuff if you’re really interested in creeping on us and the guys are hoping to get to the next round of the competition. It’s all the in the hands of a judging panel, but if you wanted to be nice anyway you could give it a view and a Like…
We’re not saying it’ll make you cooler, but it will make us like you more.
This is the stuff brilliance is made of!!! It is so deadly, I’d vote for it twice if I could.