Free events: Trinity Arts Festival Nights - Monday Comedy @ The International

The Trinity Arts Festival kicks off tomorrow with comedy at the International Bar. They have a great line-up of comedians to start your week off with a giggle or in their words: ‘we promise you a night of side-splitting, pants-dampening laughter at the International Bar’. MC’ is the wonderful Marcus O’Laoire. In my opinion you just have to see him or you are missing out. Opening the evening will be George Fox, who is a Laughter Lounge regular and is sure to warm those laughing cockles of your heart. Providing support is Chris Kent, who is the resident MC at the City Limits in Cork and was dubbed a rising star in 2011 by The Dubliner. The lads are thrilled to have him for this special night. There will also cream of the crop of the Trinity Comedy Soc, Johnny Kelly and Francis Breen. Headlining the evening will be none other … There’s more