Comedy Review: Simon O’Keeffe @ The Workman’s Club
Last Saturday Simon O’Keeffe took the jump from headlining various comedy clubs around Dublin and MC’ing the Capital Comedy Club to presenting us with his own one man show Neighbourhood #1 (Love, Sex and the Northside) at the Workman’s Club. Providing support to Simon on the night was Matt Saddlier whose randomness made for some interesting comedy. From observations such as how the Olympic committee could convince the English darts team to walk about the track during the open ceremony to describing the correct way to eat a KitKat bar (if you don’t know God help you around Matt), he had the audience chuckling away in their seats. Matt is a great storyteller and is easy to listen to which is a bonus. After a short break it was Simon’s big moment. As he walked out on stage wearing a shirt and a tie my initial thought was ‘he’s made … There’s more