Culch Lent: We can’t give up… driving
All this week we’ll be talking about those things that we just couldn’t be without for 40 days and 40 nights. Today, Sinéad’s a little mollycoddled… I came late to driving. Not late to being behind the wheel of a car, just late to driving. Jesus, I was woeful. I started learning at the tender age of 17. My first great failing was my inability to successfully ease off the clutch and onto the accelerator in anything akin to a smooth movement. Sometimes we juddered forward, more often the engine cut out. Everyone starts out like that, of course – but not everyone keeps it up for weeks on end. Eventually able to propel the vehicle at a speed at least faster than walking (an achievement, after many weeks of giving myself whiplash against the seatbelt with violent spluttering halt after violent spluttering halt), I undertook to master being on … There’s more