Festival News: Electric Picnic 2012 Line-Up Announced.

Wheee, this is the big one, lads! Electric Picnic, the musical extravaganza, the beer-soaked behemoth, the weekend the whole country flows into a hollow in Laois for mud, sunburn, and vigorous boshing. We. Can’t. Wait. The line-up has just been announced and it’s as diverse as Ashley Banjo’s freestyle. At Culch, we’re getting the party started early with our own Lekky Pikky Playlist, so crank up the volume (or stick the headphones in if you’re at the office) and do the futhermucking Carlton. Full playlist and useless facts about every headliner after the jump. Ah do. Jump. Jump or we’ll push you.

Culch Lent: We Can’t Give Up… Chocolate

Ah Lent. It is tradition to give up at least one thing for those 40 days and 40 nights and while I’m not the religious type, I like to say I tried. It’s been tough just trying to contemplate what to give up and while I was unsure what sacrifice I would make, I knew one thing that I wouldn’t be doing even if say, snowballs roasted in hell: giving up Chocolate. That yummy, tasty Chocolate has a hold over me that even I’m going to find difficult to describe to you. It should, in theory, be easy enough to give up something we love for a good cause. This giving-up theory obviously doesn’t understand me and Chocolate. It’s not that I don’t want to try and give it up, it’s that I can’t. Quite simply, I adore it and need it in order to function in daily life. Sure other … There’s more