It’s no secret that we’re big fans of the very lovely people that are Wicker Bones here at Culch Towers. And with all this talk of The Gathering and being Irish and having just watched The Quiet Man over Christmas and me tura lura laaaaaaay and that Specsavers advert were he shears his sheep dog…. well, I was feeling a wee bit melancholy.
Fair enough, just the first sentence is true. But I do have a grá for new, real Irish music and it did make me smile when I got this email in through my letter box.
Hi Peter,
Just sending you a quick mail about a video we shot with Mark Doyle of The Ceol Train. In it we are playing “The Employee” which will be featured on our upcoming debut album due to be recorded early 2013. It was recorded live upstairs in The Pint on Eden Quay.
The words are from a poem of the same name by Irish poet Rudi Holzapfel and set to music by our own Dylan Curran.
We will be playing this along with some other new songs upstairs in The Merchant’s Arch on Thursday the 24th as part of the Temple Bar Trad Fest.
Hope ya like it and Happy New Year!
I did more than like lads. And it’s a happy-er new year because of your music.
More info: