A Good Day to avoid Die Hard


This will be short. The film was so poor, it doesn’t deserve many words. However, I do feel the need to warn you off it. Bruce Willis’s latest visit to John McClane’s insane life is A Good Day to Die Hard. Presumably they couldn’t fit Sam Jackson or Justin Long into the budget, so this time McClane is joined by his son, poorly acted by Jai Courtney. There is no plot. No really, I looked and couldn’t find one. I did however find plenty of explosions and car chases and explosions and fire and jumping through CG windows and explosions. There was also a shed load of awful dialogue. If McClane said “I’m on vacation” one more time, I was going to hurl my overpriced Maltesers at the oversized IMAX screen. Life of Pi belongs in IMAX, The Dark Knight Rises belongs in IMAX, Prometheus, The Hobbit, Ghost Protocol, they … There’s more

Tech: Microsoft Office 365

As part of the launch of Microsoft 365, Microsoft are talking about how technology in general helps people to save time and spend it with their families, relaxing or doing other worthwhile things. Not too sure about the marathons, housework or the social calendar for that matter. Of note also…. Surface Windows RT will be available from 14th February in Ireland as well as in twelve other European countries. With that Microsoft has more than doubled the number of countries in which Surface RT is sold and it can be purchased from Feb 14, 2013 in the Microsoft Store online www.microsoftstore.ie Surface Windows RT will also be available in the coming weeks through retail in Ireland.