New Music Review: Tod Doyle and The Troubled - These Days

tod doyle and the troubled

It was in my review of the Spirit of Folk Festival that I noted: my find [?] of the gig, if not the year was, the now very highly recommended Tod Doyle and The Troubled. I fell so in love with their song Kirbman, that I forgot to record it. I’ll make sure to rectify that Tod, I promise. I was walking through the woods, not towards the stage, when not for the first time I was drawn towards a sound. And as I sat down to see what they were like, as one does at a festival and a new sound, this song started playing…. First formed in Budapest in 2012, in the same year released their debut album “These days” and since have been hard at work touring and promoting the album across the water in Ireland and the UK. How good do others think they are ? … There’s more