Christmas FM is back for 2013

The Christmas FM crew

First off… before you say it (you were going to, weren’t you?)… yes, I do realise that my last (and only one of TWO so far!) post here on Culch was about Christmas FM 2012 almost a year ago, but I hereby solemnly swear and promise – in a sort of “early New Year’s resolution” type way – to post far more often in the future. Anyway – with that said… once again, the time of year has rolled around where many of us think of stuffing the turkey (careful now!), roasting their spuds (ah here!), heating up the sausage meat (quiet you, down the back!), pulling a cracker (just stop!), covering the pudding in cream (er…), gifts, trees, snow and jolly fat men dressed in red… Yes!.. it’s the month before Christmas and all through the house… in fact, all through the LAND, the charity radio station Christmas FM … There’s more

Congregation 2013

Congregation 2013

November 30th and cities & towns around Ireland will have tumble weed blowing through them as the social media brigade heads down to sleepy west of Ireland village Cong. Remember the John Wayne movie, the Quiet Man – well that, Ashford Castle and now are putting Cong back on the must visit map. Congregation is kinda different to your normal pile ‘em high in hotel rooms with a high flying oil snake salesman selling social media kool-aid. Not in Cong. First you cannot buy a ticket (although I am now thinking I could probably find a buyer for mine on eBay) – no sir you have to write a blog post and send it to them and if they upload it to the site – then you’re in. At least this means you get to do your home work in advance. On the day you get to present … There’s more

Theatre Review: The Bear’s Tuxedo in the Theatre Upstairs


This was a bit of a treat last week. I didn’t know much about the play, so went along with an open mind. I just barely made it in time (stupid traffic!) to the Theatre Upstairs at Lanigan’s Bar, Eden Quay, to catch Keith James Walker’s new play, The Bear’s Tuxedo. THE BEAR’S TUXEDO takes you on a cosmic journey through the torn flamboyant fibres of one man’s being. That man is the mercurial Billy Sendoza. Billy is a gay Californian funeral director with an attachment to the arcane and a penchant for the preposterous. Join Billy as he swaps the sands of Southern California for the unforgiving scorched desert of Mexico on a journey of personal redemption. THE BEAR’S TUXEDO is a surreal exploration of how one man’s inability to separate his dreams from reality contaminates and distorts not only his own life, but the lives of those around him. … There’s more

Movember – Support Me, Support Men’s Health


This is the month where men are real men. This is the month where men prove their manliness by growing fluff beneath their noses. This is Movember. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, during November each year men all around the world grow mustaches to raise awareness and funds to combat prostate and testicular cancer, as well as men’s mental health challenges. Starting on November 1st, participants completely shave any facial hair, then begin the courageous task of growing and grooming a mo. Men everywhere use their faces as a walking, talking billboard in order to prompt conversation and raise awareness for men’s health issues. Those who’d like to participate in this worthy effort can register at After registration, male participants, or Mo Bros as they are called, create a personal Mo Space page to serve as an outlet to promote their Mo-growth and receive donations to … There’s more