Review: Oedipus the King in the Project Arts Centre
I adore the Project. I try to catch all of their productions. Some are truly terrible, some are sublime and many are eye opening, but the thing that keeps bringing me back is they are all experimental, fresh and performed without fear. The Project has given producers, writers and performers a safe place to be free from the constraints of commercialism and the over critical eye. Oedipus is a tale we all know through synopsis form, but few are lucky enough to have delved deeper into the play to explore subtleties and to see the timeless relevance of the play’s themes. I was very excited to receive last minute tickets to Monday night’s production of Oedipus the King in the Project. Directed by Andy Hinds for Classic Stage Ireland, this is certainly a contemporary setting for the play, although not quite of our time. Film noir era inspired, the play’s … There’s more