About lecraic

I blog at lecraic.com about random things - mostly with an Irish flavour. I Photoshop by day to make a crust, and sometimes Photoshop at night for the blog.

I am a fan of books - I love collecting and reading them with a slight preference for non fiction (business, biographies, current affairs). Some children had "blankies" as pacifiers - I had my "Billy Doran" book that went everywhere with me - even though I was too young to read at the time.

I like the rest of culchur as well as books - like films n' things.

Independents’ day - A book, comic and zine fair in Dublin

This looks interesting. The first of its kind in Dublin. An artists book, comic and zine fair taking place in Filmbase, Temple Bar, Dublin this coming Saturday, 4th July. “Taking in everything from mini comic artists and burgeoning cartoonists to established book art practitioners, poets to printmakers, lowbrow artists to zine makers it’s a day long celebration of self expression through the medium of DIY publishing. With over 30 exhibitors showcasing work and prices ranging from €1 to €100, there’ll be something for everyone.” Full details and list of exhibitors on the Edition Book Arts website

Radio bingo?

Well knock me over with a transistor. I never knew people played a game when listening to the radio. Lucille Redmond asks in today’s Sunday Business Post if people play this game when listening to talk shows: .. betting on when “at the end of the day” will first be said? I know they do; I saw two women in a cafe slap hands when a caller said “like, y’know, like” the other day on Liveline. Money crossed the table. So now that it’s a game, I would like to add the following to the list of words / phrases to listen out for : Absolutely With all due respect The current environment (or any of the many recessionary variations) Oh my god I’m just disgusted/appalled/angry/outraged/shocked/disappointed Personally speaking And while I’m on the subject of word usage, when did Mom enter the vernacular in Ireland? And High Street? And awesome? … There’s more

An Post C Both Sides Postcard Exhibition

Spent a wonderful hour in Dublin City Council today to see a selection of postcards submitted for the An Post ‘C Both Sides’ project. The great Irish public was asked to submit a postcard to: “…celebrate postcard design and the skill of handwriting. Anyone can take part in the project to make a personal statement, depicting a favourite memory, a special place, someone important or even a secret. There is no set theme, just the criteria to communicate for the price of a stamp and use a postcard as the medium.” Submissions were received from all over the country from January through to December 2008. 250 of those entries are now on display in Dublin City Council offices until Thursday 9th April, with further dates around the country until August. There were no restrictions placed by An Post as to what people could submit on the postcards but each month had a theme … There’s more

Storyland - now you are calling the shots

Heard about Storyland on the RTE Website? No? Here’s the spiel from October when the project was announced: RTÉ has launched StoryLand, an innovative project, inviting aspiring and experienced programme makers to make a drama series specifically for the web, From the pitches received, a panel chaired by Irish scriptwriter and actor Mark O’Halloran (Adam & Paul, Garage, Prosperity) will decide 10 winning entries to have their pilot episode aired in March 2009. Programme makers are invited to make pitches for a 6-part drama series aimed at the 19-25 year old audience to be webcast in March 2009. All of the 10 entries to make it through the first round will have their pilot webcasted on the RTE website The audience will vote on-line and decide which series should be re-commissioned for second and subsequent episodes. The site is now live and accepting votes for the 9 finalists. Some cracking stuff … There’s more

The Mulkerrin Brothers win The All Ireland Talent Show

Posted this video on Youtube earlier this evening after watching the show Can’t say I’ve been following it every week, but when I saw little Jack Lynch doing his hip hop at the audition I figured he was going to emerge as the winner. He came second to the Mulkerrin Brothers who represented the West of Ireland under mentor Daithi O’Se. 3 talented brothers from an Island off the West Coast are €50,000 richer tonight and long may they continue to keep traditional Irish music and dance alive.

Comics on your iPhone / iPod Touch

Comics are coming to the iPhone thanks to a new venture by Crispy Comics. From the About page of the site, the founders say: Crispy Comics is a new mobile-only publishing company devoted to producing comic books, art books, and other content that revolves around sequential art and pop culture. Casey Lau and Jeff Kwan are long-time collaborators who had their paper-comic career come and go in 1998 with Oktomica Entertainment. The two then jumped into the web with flash animated comics and now here they go again with mobile comics. ….it really just comes down to a medium where we can get our ideas out to the widest number of people in the most immediate way possible. Whether you’re riding the bus, waiting for a friend, or out at a party where no one is really that interesting — you can pull out your mobile device and let us take you … There’s more

Bet you never saw lunchbags like this

Remember going to school with a packed lunch. How was your lunch packed - greaseproof paper, a plastic lunchbox, stuffed in your pocket, wrapped in tinfoil? I feel deprived now - I never had lunchbags as cool as what Lunchbagart gives his kids. “A new bag each day for my kids. I’m the dad. I make these during my lunch break.” Brilliant stuff. Lunch Bag Art / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

I’m a graphic novel virgin

With all the talk of Watchmen on Twitter and elsewhere recently, I decided to seek out the book and read it before seeing the film. A few comments I read indicated it would be a good idea to do this as well. So I set off for the closest branch of Waterstones to discover a whole new section of books that I had never seen before - the Graphic Novel section. All kinds of shiny books on the shelf which I’m sure I will return to look at in closer detail. Back to the Watchmen though, and the purpose of this post. I started reading at the weekend and found myself trying to read it in the same way as a text only book. It wasn’t long before I was found myself having to flip back the pages to try and work out who was who. I wasn’t paying attention … There’s more