Making up dresses…

So like everyone else in this country, I have a lot less money than I used to but unfortunately I still have an insane love for clothes and the need for that ever perfect dress. Having being invited to a black tie gig next week, I found that of course I have nothing appropriate to wear. Don’t think flat boots and jeans will cut it unfortunately. Usually I’m not really one for black tie balls, and certainly don’t mix with the glitterati of southside Dublin on a regular basis. I could think of nothing worse than wearing a silk diamante number that reeks of fake tan and hair extensions – a real possibility if I didn’t get a move on! I’ve spent the last few days panicking about it and so did the sensible thing and made a dress up in my head! I have a terrible habit of doing this and then am … There’s more

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Review

As a fan of the books, it’s difficult to write a review of this film as a stand alone, but I’ll give it my best. Releasing nationwide in Ireland today, New Moon has been hugely anticipated by Twilighters since the release of the first film Twilight last November. A cult like following has developed for the main cast and in particular Robert Pattinson, who plays infamous heart throb, Edward Cullen. New Moon is the second instalment in Stephenie Meyers phenomenally successful THE TWILIGHT SERIES . Picking up where the first one left off, New Moon sees the romance between mortal Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) soar to a new level. Things seems to be going along blissfully until an accident at Bella’s 18th birthday party forces Edward to leave the town of Forks forever. Bella is truly devastated by Edwards departure and finds comfort with childhood friend … There’s more

An 80′s Revival…Fashion Hit or Miss?

Yes. It’s true. The dreaded shoulder pad is back. A 1980’s phenomena that conjures up images of power dressing and Dynasty has returned with a vengence and has surfaced on the catwalks and high street stores this season. Originally a trend that was developed in the 1930′s, shoulder pads came to the fore in the military style clothing of the 1940′s and then were reintroduced in a cut foam version in the 1980′s. Let’s be honest, the 80′s aren’t generally remembered with great fondness in the fashion stakes, so it does beg the questions - why bring the shoulder pad back? Well, much like any fashion trend, they’re not for everyone, but worn in the right way and on the right person, shoulder pads can actually help minimise a waist and hips and balance out a figure. I wasn’t afraid of a bit of shoulder pad action and on a … There’s more

Dublin Burlesque Ball presents….

If you need an excuse to slip into 40’s and 50’s dress, cabaret costumes and risqué frocks, then look no further than the Dublin Burlesque Ball’s end of year show ‘A Prelude to Christmas’. In honour of the 120th anniversary of Moulin Rouge, the Dublin Burlesque Ball’s ‘A Prelude to Christmas’ show will take place on Saturday November 21st at the Art Gallery in the Morrisson Hotel, Dublin. Promising an extravagant, indulgent and elaborate show, the night will feature host of starlets from the international burlesque scene, including:

Superb-ban Dolls!

I first heard of this place from a friend of mine a few months back and her description of a quaint boutique in a vacant industrial estate got my interest. Not the ideal location for a vintage store, but never one to pass up an opportunity for a bargain, I braved the Walkinstown roundabout and contradictory to my initial thoughts, found a charming girly oasis in the middle of the Mulcahy Keen Industrial Estate. Suburban Dolls has been open since last May and from what I see is getting a following both off and online. They carry an eclectic mix of vintage pieces, as well as a collection of once worn pieces and international labels. They also run a number of discount evenings and swop shop parties, so keep an eye on their Facebook Page for upcoming events. Best of all prices are fairly reasonable and they cater for more than just a … There’s more

Introducing Beatrice & Harriet

Delving into the world of vintage fashion has been an infatuation of ours for the last few years. From 70’s psychedelic mini dresses (yes I do own one!) to classic cut designer jackets, together we could probably open a small shop with the amount of pieces we have acquired over time. We don’t profess to be authorities in the area. What we do have is a great appreciation and love for the history and heritage of designers and styles gone by. It takes only a couple of notes of jazz or a snippet of a classic movie to inspire us to seek out new treasures and emulate the elegance of ever graceful ladies (well for that day anyway!) So, from here on in we will share with you the people, places and happenings that influence us on a daily basis, in the never ending search for the ultimate vintage find. Ultimately we want to take fashion out of … There’s more