Review: Heavy Rain (PS3)
Videogames have aspired to be ‘like films’ for as long as I’ve played them. Back in the early 90s, Hollywood movies were exciting, sexy, glamorous, culturally accepted-everything that videogames weren’t. A lot has changed since then, of course, with videogaming staking a strong claim as the mode of entertainment of choice of the noughties, for part of the populace at least. Yet, for all the progress videogames have made at winning the hearts and minds of modern media-saturated audiences, many in the industry still have one eye cocked at the multiplexes, wistfully watching on in jealousy. And whilst I’ve always found this penchant a little tiresome, Heavy Rain is, by my estimation at least, the climax of the quest that began in 1983 with the seminal Dragon’s Lair- at least until the next one. Its legacy to gaming, however, is not entirely straightforward.