(Another) DVD collection hall of pain

Four comments later and I’ve just realised that I did a very similar post to this back in July. Poxy amnesia. Cheers to anyone who noticed but was classy enough not to point it out. There’s some duplication but some new entries too… Onwards… We all have them, snuck away in the secret drawer with the 1980s sex dolls and sherpa porn that dare not leak its name. I’m talking about those DVDs you wouldn’t dare display alongside your Waltz With Bashirs, your Godfather trilogies and your Magnoliae. Well, in the interests of having no shame, I’m presenting my own DVD atrocities, ten little crackers that have two things in common. Thing the first: They’re not borrowed. They belong to me. Thing the second: They’re all embarrassingly shite. 1) Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist. I liked, didn’t love, Superbad and I loved, not just liked, Juno. That, however, does not … There’s more

Dylan Moran and a big greasy slice of never

I took my seat in Vicar Street for Dylan Moran’s show tonight in fairly pissed off form. Stood up for the fourth time on the bounce by one of the Xposé teletubbies - I can never remember their names - I was alone, balcony seat block F row A seat 12 thank you very much. If modern life is rubbish, it’s best chronicled by Dylan Moran. Dressed impressively in clothes directly identical to my own, he came on to the theme tune from The Wire. Always a good start. He shushed the audience (“I don’t need the validation”) and launched into a paean to the less moneyed times where he and nine of his mates would sit huddled over a single pint, launching angry tirades at people called ‘cunts’ who had things called ‘jobs,’ taking no little joy in the fact that, well, we’re back there again. Seeing as I’d … There’s more

DVD atrocities: Owning up

I was painting the flat recently, turning it from somewhere the 50s forgot into a place I could show my legions of adoring apostlettes around without the threat of a slap in the face and a sharp goodbye. I had to move my life into the shed. Books, clothes, CDs, DVDs, magazines, African sex gongs and novelty mugs all kept from harm’s way while I treated the walls to a lick of Crown brilliant white. Today I restored everything as was, and the DVDs came last. I didn’t count them but I reckon there to be between 200 and 250. 90% of it is stuff I’d watch again, I’m a man who views the good stuff ad nauseam, but I did come across some God-awful muck, the €3.99 shite you buy in HMV as some sort of sick retail therapy tool. Or Spar. Because it’s on display beside the ‘buy … There’s more