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About travors

travors Dan Walsh is a musician, artist, nerd and cubicle dweller from Dublin, Ireland. In early 2008 Dan started the webcomic GarfieldMinusGarfield.net which went on to become one of the most celebrated blogs of 2008. It has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, Rolling Stone Magazine, The Washington Post & The New Yorker. He received a book deal with Ballantine Books and Garfield Minus Garfield the book was released in late 2008. His personal blog is travors.com.

Author Archives: travors

The Thinking Place

February 7th, 2011 | by travors

If, like me, you grew up on staple diet of 80s movies then you’re probably already familiar with The Thinking

World’s Fair Use Day

February 9th, 2010 | by travors

January 12th was World’s Fair Use Day. The event was an all-day celebration of the doctrine of fair use: the

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