About twistedlilkitty

I don't need to but anything actually 'informative' here do I? I found out recently that a peanut isn't a nut at all, it's a pulse, like a pea, hence the name. Why aren't people allergic to peas then? Me: I tweet too much, seriously I do, I'm under this name on twitter. I'm a real girl on the internet and I will not try to get you to look at my cam for 'sexy fun time'. That is all. (I'm terrible at this!)

Review: The Last Exorcism

‘She was roaring and shouting like a woman possessed!’ Possession has made it’s way into our expressions and our imagination. The idea that a demon or the devil can inhabit the moral body has brought both fear to our hearts and films to our screens. The first and probably most famous Exorcist film was released in 1973, it was promptly banned due to misappropriation of religious devices and shouting pea soup all over a room. And where you get possession you’ll get a priest with a bible, roaring like a heart attack about the compelling power of Christ. This is what I expected when I went to see ‘The Last Exorcism’, this isn’t what I got.

Review: The Bounty Hunter

In the film, Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler) is a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter who gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Aniston). This is pretty much explained in the first scene, her escaping from the boot of his car and running away. Stop frame and words pop up indicating that he’s a bounty hunter, she’s a bail jumper, then TA-DA they are ex husband and wife. This lead to one of the very few laugh out loud moments for me. When a film needs to explain the pitch in the first scene it’s all down hill from there. I can actually see them in the room with the production company pitching the idea. ‘Great idea for a film lads, do you have a story to go with it?’ ‘A story? eh….sure we do’

Idir Mná presents Glengarry Glen Ross 23-28th November

Based on the Pulitzer Prize winning 1984 play by David Mamet, Glengarry Glen Ross is the story of the cutthroat competition between real estate agents at a Chicago firm, after they’ve been pitted against each other in a competition scheme by their management. An innovative production of this play is injecting the bitch into the cut-throat. Many years ago when theatre was in its infancy men played the roles of women, now it’s all grown up women are taking their roles back and then some. Yvonne Ussher the artistic director (who plays Joan Williamson) of Idir Mná which translates as “Amongst Women” clarified that ‘before people think it is a lesbian feminist thing - it’s not! And it is not in any way a male bashing machine. Idir Mná aims to address the imbalance in our profession on the lack of decent female roles in a way that doesn’t involve women sitting around complaining about … There’s more

Video Games Live comes to Dublin. W00t etc.

So anyways my boyfriend and I were going home on the bus, usual after work crowd, it was dark, it was winter. The bus was fairly packed, commuter white noise filled the conversation, then out of nowhere a group down the back break it. About two of them start whistling the theme tune to Super Mario, it sounds weak but it’s there. My boyfriend and I, join in, the melody gets stronger, they’ve no idea who we are, they aren’t even sure who is whistling and for a moment we are as one. Joined together by the harmony of computer game music. Computer games evolved relatively quickly, put it this way the first computer games I played the only person who had a mouth was Pacman. Graphics, game play, plot lines all progressed, 8 bit, 16 bit, next generation, the generation after that. The music evolved too, it moved away … There’s more

Wiitness the Fitness

“Wow, have you been working out?” “You must go to the gym a lot” These are two phrases which have never been said to me, unless with some sort of sarcastic undertone. Now don’t get me wrong, I have gone to the gym, it was a very brief affair. To me the gym seems to be full of people who were apparently born there, spotting each other and giving each other high fives when one of them bench presses the equivalent of a school bus full of terrified children. Now I know that the experience of displays of public exercise can be very different for different people. ‘When I go to the gym there are people who are as unfit as myself’, I’m very much sure there are and you know why you notice them, because they are making a show of themselves all red faced and sweaty wiping down … There’s more