New Music: The Cribs - Come On, Be A No One.

We like this. The Cribs have a new song out on April 13th. It’s called Come On, Be A No One, and it’s from the forthcoming new album In The Belly Of The Brazen Bull, which is what I’m telling my mother when she next asks me where I was to have such a head on me this morning. This is the song. This is what a selection of adorable English children think of The Cribs (courtesy of Noisey and Vice). I nearly died of cuteness. Someone impregnate me with an English baby, stat!  

Events: SCOOP Up Some Money-Can’t-Buy Presents at the Better Than Socks Christmas Auction

On Friday December 2nd, Powerscourt Townhouse Centre will be venue for the first SCOOP Foundation auction. SCOOP helps kids living in poverty and the auction will act as a fundraiser for their activities. It’ll also give you the chance to get your hands on some unlikely and inventive Christmas presents like a walk on part in Fair City, a chance to ring the bells in Christchurch Cathedral, swing lessons in your sitting room and plenty more. The €10 entry fee for the evening will get you a bidding paddle, a glass of wine, a cloakroom ticket, a lot brochure and entry to a raffle. If you’re lucky enough to make a successful bid, then the new owner of each great lot will be given a beautifully designed ‘SCOOPon’, which they can give to the lucky recipient of their Better Than Socks gift, explaining how the present came about and where the … There’s more

Made In Temple Bar Festival, July 15th to 24th.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Temple Bar’s regeneration as Dublin’s Cultural Quarter, over the next ten days, Temple Bar is the place to be for arts and culture in the capital, with its Cultural Trust having organised an impressive array of events covering music, theatre, comedy, visual arts, film and family. In fact, the whole thing is just so impressive that I’m going to liberally slice from their press release. There are dozens of really interesting, unique events planned and it’s difficult to predict highlights. Liberally sprinkled on the smörgåsbord are such delights as… Conversations about Culture, a unique outdoor photographic exhibition which will change every day featuring images of people as they pass through Temple Bar during the festival and their opinions on culture. Movies on the Street: Two movies also celebrating anniversaries this year will be screened on Cow’s Lane - Breakfast at Tiffany’s which is 50 … There’s more

Do Over: Rewatching The Lion King 17 Years On

“Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you will need to understand that balance and respect all creatures because we are all connected in the great circle of life.” A few weeks back, on an intense Disney bender, (it’s like drinking, but you wake up the next morning wrapped in an Aladdin t-shirt that hasn’t fit you since you were six with a banging headache from rewinding and replaying ‘Under the Sea’ in The Little Mermaid a few too many times), The Lion King found its way back into the VCR. When we were growing up, my younger brother was addicted to two videotapes, worn out from watching. They were The Lion King and, inexplicably, Riverdance. As a result, I saw both more times that was healthy or necessary, but since we grew out of them I haven’t seen either for years. The usual reactions … There’s more

New Cartoon: The Amazing World of Gumball

For those of you who liked your cartoons, keep at eye out for The Amazing World of Gumball. Produced by Irish outfit Boulder Media, it’s launching on the Cartoon Network next Monday, May 2nd at 10am. We had a peek at the YouTube clip and we think it might make for some good hungover (who, us?) Bank Holiday viewing.

I Heart Tea Crowd - Episode 4 Bosco

***COMPETITION CLOSED. CONGRATS TO GRAINNE*** In episode 4 of I Heart Tea Crowd we meet puppetry’s own Bosco. ***Competition now closed. The winner will be announced in the next episode*** The Tea Crowd Teaser for this month’s tea hamper from Lyons Tea is this: You go in through one hole, you come out through three holes. Once you’re inside, you’re ready to go outside, but once you’re outside, you’re still inside. What is it? (The answer’s in the episode). Throw your answer in the comments and we’ll announce the winner in next month’s episode. Previous episodes of Tea Crowd are available here.

Sweary’s Jaw: Unbeliebable.

I don’t remember where I was when Robbie Williams left Take That. Taking into account that I’m from Galway, I was probably stoned in a ditch somewhere. I do remember, though, that they had to open phone helplines in the UK, so distraught were TT fans. There was mass weeping and wringing of hands. There were snotty sleeves from Cornwall to Inverness. There was live footage on reputable news shows of howling teenage girls hanging onto one another for dear life, gurning through puffered-closed eyes at the cameras. It was bloody horrible. I didn’t understand it then, and even with the benefit of hindsight, I don’t understand it now. You’d swear Paul Ince was after leaving Man Utd or something. I’m reminded of such hormonal tsunamis as the Robbie Williams Meltdown whenever I see a Bieber-bot on Twitter. I shouldn’t really call them Bieber-bots, because they’re not really bots, and … There’s more

Win tickets to The Magic Cube for kids at Kilkenny Arts Festival

The visual art strand of the Kilkenny Arts Festival was curated this year by Oliver Dowling, an independent contemporary visual art specialist with comprehensive experience representing Irish artists, galleries and public institutions, offering particular expertise in curating exhibitions, advising on policy and forming collections. Oliver talks here to Ken McGuire about the artists and installations that will take part in various locations at the 2010 Kilkenny Arts Festival

Competition Closed: Ross O’Carroll-Kelly, Midnight Poe and The Happy Prince at Dalkey Book Festival

**Competition Closed - Winners will be contacted** Summertime and the living is easy…local towns and villages are coming up trumps with the usual round of summer festivals and this year there’s a brand spanking new one to add to the calendar. Hold onto your hats, I’m about to sing the praises of one of them like the inky-fingered book geek that I am. The first Dalkey Book Festival kicks off on Friday June 18th and runs until Sunday 20th and their programme of events is worth getting excited about. If you’re the bookworm kind, it has all of the expected elements of a book fest with talks from Marita Conlon-McKenna (she of Under the Hawthorne Tree) on writing for children, John Connolly and Declan Hughes on 10 Crime Novels to Read Before You Die, Conor McPherson on Writing for the Stage and of course Dalkey’s most famous writer in residence … There’s more

National Drawing Day 2010

Nationwide, this Saturday (may 22nd), people will be doodling, painting and scribbling to their hearts content. Nationwide Drawing Day is part of the Catch up on Culture Week. Over 50 venues are taking part, including the National Gallery, Science Gallery, Glucksman Gallery and National Museum, with various free and low cost drawing events. And it’s not just for kids! Check out what’s on in your area or do what i’ll be doing, nipping down to the local park with picnic and pencil case in tow.

In case you’re the only person not to have seen Johnjoe already

He’ll be one of the topics in the office this week, I’ll bet, so if you haven’t seen future Horologist Johnjoe (JohnJoe?) from Roscommon yet, here he is. The John-Joe from Late Late Toy Show fan page on Facebook has 567 fans but there’s an incredible 18,456 members already in the I want Johnjoe from the Late Late Toy Show to fix my clocks group at time of writing. And here the precocious precious little fecker fella is… AJ has keyrings to give away…

All the UK’s children’s TV characters together for Children in Need

I liked this a little bit too much for the age of me. ‘Tis very very cute. Fair play to Peter Kay for bringing it all together. The songs he chose are Can You Feel It by The Jacksons, Don’t Stop by Fleetwood Mac, Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny) by The Pussycat Dolls, Tubthumping by Chumbawumba, Never Forget by Take That, Hey Jude by The Beatles and One Day Like This by Elbow. What would an Irish version be like? Bosco, Zig, Zag, Zuppy, Soky, the Wanderley Wagon crew, Padjo’s Junkbox, those two storytelling monsters that I can’t remember the names of… not quite the same, is it?